ON FRIDAY, December 6th the Theresa Academy of Performing Arts hosted a workshop for teaching artists that live and work in both Nassau and Suffolk counties to explore adapting activities for a variety of students with disabilities.
A movement activity was led by Dafna Soltes Stein and a theater activity was led by I.D.E.A.S. Director and

Founder, Lisa Dennett. The Interactive Drama for Education and Awareness in Schools (I.D.E.A.S.) is a Theresa Foundation Grant recipient and works in after school and in school programs with teaching artists in the
five boroughs. I.D.E.A.S. was established to bring dramatic arts into the lives of young people with disabilities or other disadvantages, using drama as a teaching and learning too. Rooted in improvisation, and using simple props and costumes, the program enables youths to engage in direct participatory dramatic activities similar to their peers.
The workshop was presented by Arts in Special Education Consortium and teaching artists at the workshop participated in basic arts activities and shared thoughts and experiences on adapting the same activity for
students with differing abilities. TAPA was pleased to have the opportunity to host this amazing group