

post-it (Photo credit: myrrh.ahn)

Miss Susan

While visiting my son, Dante, a few years ago, I noticed small post-its in every room of his apartment.

Stepping closer to read them I found that they were all positive, upbeat little sentences:

You are wonderful

You are focused

You are a strong person……..and the like.

I asked Dante about the happy, positive post-its and he told me that his roommate was feeling down and overwhelmed with all of the demands of working full time, finishing a Masters degree and living so far away from his immediate family.

A mutual friend had suggested that these positive statements be placed all through the living space in order to motivate the friend and keep him feeling good about himself. I thought this was a great idea and have suggested it to several parents, as well as colleagues.

In this day and age, we are constantly bombarded with technology, tasks, and commitments. These demands have left many of us feeling overwhelmed, un-organized and constantly stressed.

As a parent of a child with special needs, I know all too well that being organized is half the battle. The amount of paperwork alone is enough to give you “agita”, grey hair, or both!

Making your own personal list of daily affirmations will help you to feel good about yourself and also help you reach your goals in life. Below is a short, wonderful list that you may want to keep and add to as you go through your week. Whatever the case, actually writing down your own version of positive thoughts will help keep you organized and enjoying life:

  1. Do something nice for someone else.

  2. Do something nice for yourself!

  3. Learn something new and share it with someone else.

  4. Eat three healthy meals.

  5. Do some form of exercise for at least 20 minutes?

  6. Think of one thing to be thankful for.

Wishing you all the best,

“Miss Susan”

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