By: Lindsay Rogan
If you’ve ever seen our Facebook page then you must have seen the remarkable artwork that our students create. I am continually amazed each time I step into the art room and see the finished product. Our art teacher, Elizabeth Connolly, has helped all of our students to express themselves and attempt new creative venues in each class. The results are gorgeous!
Connolly uses lots of recycled materials in her classroom and encourages students to look at everything around them as something that can be used to create art! With a large focus on fine motor skills, students use a variety of resources in each class. Young artists track their steps and follow directions much like they do in literacy classes, by breaking down the instructions step-by-step. Observation drawings are one of the most interesting projects because each student ends with their own interpretation of the still life they used. Students manipulate materials, follow sequencing, and listen to directions in art class to create self-portraits, sculptures, posters, collages, cards, and more!
One of my favorite projects is the annual Christmas Tree that TAPA creates for UCPN’s Festival of the Tree. All of the students work for weeks in art class to create ornaments and décor that fit the theme of the year! Student work is also displayed twice a year at the TAPA studios for parents and families to observe during our showcase and art show, and Long Island Children’s Museum hangs original student work for a month each year in their community art space. We are so proud to showcase the varied and exceptional work our students create!
Art classes are offered during Saturday Respite, Sunday Workshop, and each day during the After Care in the Arts Program! Call (516) 432-0200 for more information.