By Debi Holmes-Mucci
On September 13, 2013 TAPA lost a very special student, Morgan Brodwin. Morgan was a unique child who would run into the TAPA building smiling and ready to greet anyone in the lobby. Morgan was curious and smart, asking “What’s your name?” and always replying, “It’s nice to meet you.” She was TAPA’s very first student and from the moment we met her, she stole the hearts of all she met and all who worked with her.
As one of her dance and sign language teachers for three and a half years, I am proud to say I enjoyed her enthusiasm and love for dance and American Sign Language. To watch Morgan leap, twirl, kick her feet up and smile was to watch her spirit soar!
Morgan was free to enjoy herself at TAPA. As a young dancer and actor, she got to play so many different parts in our creative story telling. She was a Baby Acorn and Oak Tree in the fall, Clara from the Nutcracker in December, a Shooting Star and a Coyote at Thanksgiving, and a beautiful Butterfly that conquers all in the spring.
She loved performing for her family who were always present to watch her dance. They were her best fans! Morgan was vivacious, energetic and spirited. She loved with all her heart. “Way deep down in my heart,” she would say.
As a fitting memorial, friends of Morgan’s parents have donated two beautiful ballet barres for us to use in our ballet classes.
I don’t know how we accept the sadness of losing Morgan all too soon. Everyone at TAPA is heartbroken and Wednesday ballet class will never be the same. What I do know is that Morgan will live on in our hearts forever. Miss Susan, Vincent, Miss Elizabeth, Miss Lindsay, Miss Amy, Mr. Pete, all the volunteers and I will never forget how wonderful her spirit was and how she touched us deeply. I know somewhere in heaven our little Morgan is dancing with the angels and teaching them how to sign.
Morgan would tell us that she loved us, “To Infinity and Beyond!” and the feelings of the TAPA staff are mutual.